The Resource Conservation Planner supports the Maryland Department of Planning’s responsibilities in resource conservation and management, including environmental planning, water resource management, Chesapeake Bay restoration, and climate change issues. This position works with other staff within the Planning Dept., various Maryland state agencies, local governments, federal agencies, various stakeholders and the public toward achieving State and Department objectives.
The Resource Conservation Planner provides technical and policy assistance to local governments and citizens on water resource management issues, such as the Septics Law (Sustainable Growth and Agricultural Preservation Act of 2012), and administers the Patuxent River Commission, which requires development and implementation of work plans for the Commission and its workgroups. In addition, the Resource Conservation Planner provides staff support and frequent interactions with sister agencies to ensure that Departmental and local government concerns are addressed in Chesapeake Bay restoration, Agricultural Preservation and climate change initiatives. As needed, the Resource Conservation Planner will complete other planning projects, such as those in support of the Maryland Sustainable Growth Commission.
The job was posted on February 3, and will be closed out on February 17.
See for more details.