Legacy Institute For The Environment
(LIFE) Program:  Final Call For Applications!
What is LIFE? 

LIFE is an interactive adult environmental education program held in the spring with a mission of promoting environmental stewardship, providing life-long learning opportunities, and creating a legacy of protecting our environment. To date, the LIFE program has fostered over 120 Legacy Stewards whose work has left a lasting impact on the Chesapeake Bay watershed. 

What is included in the program?
  • Nine weeks of fascinating educational sessions and guided site visits led by expert scientists, environmental educators, and professional consultants
  • Classes are held Wednesdays: March 1 to April 26, 9 am to 3 pm
  • The opportunity to work among like-minded individuals with an overall goal of creating a legacy of environmental stewardship

What does this program cost?

Through grants provided by different agencies, this program is FREE; however, participants are expected to commit to 40 hours of volunteer service that will be completed within one year of the program. 
For more information you can also contact Volunteer and Adult Education Coordinator,
Courtney Leigh, at cleigh@bayrestoration.org

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