Hello Chesapeake Bay Colleagues:

The Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM) at Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA is currently hiring a two-year Outreach Manager position. https://jobs.dickinson.edu/postings/3694

Founded in 1986, the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM) is a nationally recognized technical and programmatic support center for community organizations interested in watershed assessment.  The program staff includes a Director, an Assistant Director, Outreach Manager, a faculty Science Advisor, and 14 undergraduate student staff.  ALLARM has a long history with aquatic citizen science, also known as volunteer monitoring. ALLARM’s Outreach Manager works with communities interested in evaluating stream health answering questions about potential impacts from shale gas extraction to watershed quality. The position’s responsibilities are three fold: 1) cultivate and maintain relationships with regional communities interested in aquatic citizen science; 2) maintain ALLARM’s print, social media, and web site outreach; and 3) integrate Dickinson College students into ALLARM’s community-based outreach by building their skills to be effective community communicators.

The position offers competitive benefits and a salary in the $35K range. Dickinson College is committed to building a representative and diverse faculty, administrative staff, and student body. We encourage applications from all qualified persons.

Thank you for sharing!


Julie Vastine | Director

Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM)

Dickinson College | phone: 717.245.1135

dickinson.edu/allarm | @allarmwater