Learn about some local medicinal plants! Join us as we explore the science, botany, ecology, folklore and more during our Herbal Medicine Club.
There is a rich history of the uses of plants, which we will uncover during this 4-week course. We will introduce you to some common herbs found in the Chesapeake region or that are important medicinals; you will enjoy learning the rich history and folklore that accompanies many of these herbs; and you will learn how to gather, grow and prepare your own herbs for your own use.
Learn about the science; ecology; history; folklore and more of medicinal herbs found in our region. To learn more please visit nadarraleigh.com
Course start date: October 2nd
Subscription cost: $160 covers the cost of dried herbs, lectures and labs, lab equipment, podcasts and video instruction. Access to materials for members only.
Registration deadline: September 24th
Questions? Email us at nadarraleigh@gmail.com