Colleagues and friends in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed:
On behalf of the Land Trust Alliance and the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network, we are pleased to announce a new round of grants available through the Chesapeake Bay Land and Water Initiative.
A partnership of the Funders Network and the Alliance, the Land and Water Initiative seeks projects that will accelerate land conservation and stewardship on conserved lands to protect and restore water quality in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.
We invite Letters of Inquiry (LOIs) from eligible organizations undertaking projects that positively impact water quality and meet the stated priorities and interests of the Initiative’s grant program.
The full Request for LOIs, with further details, is attached to this email and also available here. Also attached are general FAQs for operating the Alliance’s online application system.
Funding requests of $10,000-30,000 will be considered. LOIs will be accepted through November 9, 2018, and successful applicants will be invited in late December 2018 to submit full proposals for consideration.
Prospective grantees are invited and encouraged to attend a conference call and webinar on Monday, October 1, at 1:00 pm to learn more about the grant program and LOI process. More information and registration is available here. We also encourage you to take a look at projects funded in our previous grant rounds in 2017 and 2018.
If you have questions or need more information after reviewing the Request for LOIs, please contact me at or 406-580-6410. We encourage you to explore ideas and concepts you may have for projects with us in advance.
Best regards,
Jennifer Miller Herzog
Chesapeake Program Manager
Land Trust Alliance
Annapolis, MD 21401
406.580.6410 office/mobile |