Dear Headwaters Readers,

Spring is a confusing time for plants, animals, and people. Freezing cold temperatures one minute, you’re breaking into a sweat the next minute. Daffodils popping up all over the place and that pale, red glow in the distance show that the Maples have had enough winter and it’s time to bask in the sun and enjoy springtime! As you think about getting out in the yard and doing a little maintenance, don’t forget that your septic system might need some TLC too. In this issue of Headwaters, Dr. Andy Lazur closes out his series on septic systems with some suggestions on their maintenance. We also share some insight on one of our key partners, the Watershed Assistance Collaborative. And to wrap it all up, we pitch 5 questions to Dr. Bill Hubbard, our new Assistant Director and Program Leader.

So here’s to spring and a great 2019! If you would like more information about an article in this issue or about our program, our email addresses are on the last page of Headwaters.

Springtime greetings,

The Maryland Sea Grant Extension Watershed Educators Team

Link to the spring issue of Headwaters