Fall 2019 Unity Gardens Grantees Announced

This fall, Unity Gardens awarded almost $10,000 in small grants to organizations in Anne Arundel County. Grants of up to $1,000 were awarded to nonprofit groups who will use funds to purchase native plants to complete their community’s rain garden and conservation landscaping projects. These are efforts that use native plants to address stormwater and provide valuable habitat for pollinators, birds, and wildlife. Unity Gardens accepts grant applications twice a year and will announce its next cycle in January 2020.  Follow Unity Gardens on Facebook or Instagram for notifications on future grants and events.

Unity Garden’s mission is to empower and educate diverse Anne Arundel County communities to create and sustain healthy ecological spaces that enhance life, one native garden at a time. 

The following organizations received funding to complete projects in Fall 2019.


Lower Magothy Beach Community Beach, Conservation Landscaping Project

Severna Park

Provide funding to acquire native plants to construct three conservation landscaping areas to control onsite stormwater


Berrywood Swim and Tennis Club

Severna Park

To slow down, spread out and prevent stormwater runoff from reaching Cattail Creek by planting natives to help stop the erosion on nearby slopes. Using native plants will develop the interest of the community (both adults and children) in the symbiotic relationship between pollinators, plants, and keeping soil on our slopes and out of the Chesapeake Bay.


Friends of Jug Bay


Restoration of a bird and pollinator garden.


Conservation Landscape at London Towne Property Owners’ Association (LTPOA)


To control stormwater runoff, erosion and flooding at the site as well as educate neighbors on the purpose of this planting so they can replicate using native plants on their properties.


Saltaire at Annapolis Condominium


To build community engagement and reduce runoff to Back Creek by planting natives that are beneficial to pollinators and birds and provide ongoing demonstrations of the use of ative plants in the landscape. 


Empowering Believer Church – Eden Ministry

Glen Burnie

To provide native plants for the rain garden at the church as part of a Watershed Stewards capstone project.


Pines on the Severn Community Garden


To reduce erosion and runoff near a community playground by creating a Pollinator/Butterfly Garden (Conservation Landscape). Installing native plants at this highly visible site will demonstrate to community members the value of using native plants in landscaping and erosion control projects.


Mt. Moriah AME Church Stormwater Conveyance Maintenance/Planting


To control stormwater runoff into Back Creek, in addition to reducing erosion at the site. The grant, which is a Watershed Stewards Capstone Project, will serve to beautify the local area, educate the congregation, and encourage the community to manage stormwater. 


Annapolis High School Entrance Enhancement


To rehabilitate the existing entrances to Annapolis High School, a Green School, using native plants.The Annapolis High School Environmental Action Club will partner with the community to accomplish the project.


Killarney House & Neighbors Best Management Practice and Reforestation Restoration Project


To purchase native wetland plants for a wetland BMP and reforestation restoration project at the Killarney House Irish Pub & Restaurant in Davidsonville, Maryland. These plants will absorb excess nutrients and prevent them from flowing into Beards Creek and eventually the South River.

Unity Gardens is a nonprofit organization based in Anne Arundel County that supports the building of community partnerships through its grassroots grants program. Unity offers grants to schools, religious organizations, watershed stewards, homeowners’ associations, scout troops, and other nonprofit initiatives that require plant funding in order for their conservation landscaping plans to get off the ground. Since 2001, Unity Gardens has given out almost $450,000 to over 500 organizations in Anne Arundel County.