Potomac Conservancy is excited to share our new “Rising to the Challenge” local climate report and summer series with our partners. The report helps us confront our new climate reality and gives us tools to take meaningful action.  

Report: Rising to the Challenge: A New Climate Reality in the Potomac River Region

URL: www.PotomacClimateReport.org  

Social media: #PotomacClimateReport 

Our six-part summer climate series and accompanying report will answer:  

  • How is our region uniquely experiencing a warming climate compared to global trends?  
  • How is the climate crisis affecting the Potomac River and its people, streams, lands, and wildlife?  
  • What measures must be taken to lower greenhouse gas emissions and prepare communities for the future?  
  • What can we all do to be a part of the solution in our communities?

In Part 1, we investigate global versus local warming trends and explore how the changing climate is making our region more vulnerable to extreme storms. Will our summers be insufferable in ten, thirty, eighty years…? Dive into the science to find out.  

 📣 Help raise climate awareness! 

Use our social media toolkit to find suggested posts and graphics!

We invite you to download our free 110+ research report (PDF) and use it as a helpful resource as you explore climate issues related to your work and community engagement efforts. 

Thanks all,

Melissa Diemand (she/her)
Sr. Director of Communications, Potomac Conservancy