The Anne Arundel County Watershed Restoration Grant Program is a partnership between the Trust, the Anne Arundel County Bureau of Watershed Protection and Restoration, and the City of Annapolis. This award program aims to improve water quality in the County’s local streams and waterways, as called for in the County’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit and County and City of Annapolis’ Stormwater Management Inventory and Watershed Improvement Plan, which require reductions in storm flow volume and pollutants entering the County’s waterways.
Pre-Application Site Visit Deadline is: February 28, 2022
Application Deadline is: March 17, 2022 at 4pm EST
For Request for Proposals (RFP) and application visit here
For questions please contact Sarah Koser, Program Manager, at and at (410) 974-2941 x 106