EcoLatinos, Inc. is currently seeking an expert consultant to guide us in the creation of a Communications Strategy that will enhance our promotion and fundraising efforts as we focus on fulfilling our mission to connect and empower the Latino communities in the pursuit of social and environmental justice through engagement, education, and activism across the Chesapeake Bay Region.
EcoLatinos was originally founded in 2015. In 2018 EcoLatinos, Inc. received 501(c)(3) designation, allowing us to take a leadership role in developing environmental stewardship programming with the Latino community of the Chesapeake Bay region to support our vision of a world where Latinos leave their green footprint on the earth.
We create connections with Latino and minority communities in the region by supporting non-profit, private, and public organizations. We have provided numerous opportunities for community engagement through bilingual environmental stewardship programs. Our work aligns with that of many other environmental organizations along the Chesapeake Bay, but we are unique in our focus and commitment to social and environmental justice, by engaging and advocating for Spanish-speaking and traditionally under-represented communities.
Project Goals and Scope of Services (Maximum Bid: $20,000)
The purpose of this request is to invite experienced communications consultants to submit a proposal to work with our Board and CEO to craft a communications strategy that sets clear goals and establishes the tools and templates necessary for achieving them. The resulting work must be completed within one year, be centered around the needs of diverse communities including the Spanish-speaking communities we serve, and follow SMART principles (Strategic, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely).
Communications Strategy expectations and deliverables:
Develop a comprehensive communication plan and toolkit that refines ecoLatinos brand by developing content templates, improving consistency of formal communications and outreach efforts across all communication platforms, increasing engagement of partners, promoting our communities’ stories across the larger environmental movement and increasing our fundraising as an outcome of these efforts. This communication strategy, centered around the diverse communities we serve includes a redesign of ecoLatinos’ website and social media accounts, as well as the development of a complete packet of outreach materials that will encourage greater engagement with and support of ecoLatinos and its mission.
The Communications Consultant will:
- Conduct a full audit of our current communication infrastructure and fundraising plans to provide advice/guidance to improve formal communications and donor engagement.
- Lead a collaborative process to refine ecoLatinos’ organizational branding through the development of key marketing materials, such as logos, slogans, and graphics to support our “recognition factor” with our diverse audiences.
- In collaboration with ecoLatinos, develop a communication toolkit that includes high-quality templates for content campaigns, key messaging tools, social media strategies, and resources to engage large partners and individual donors in regular giving.
- Develop a plan for monitoring and evaluating communication goals in alignment with the implementation of ecoLatinos’ 2020 Strategic Plan and fundraising strategy. This plan should incorporate both qualitative and quantitative metrics of progress, calendar, and milestones, toward achieving ecoLatinos’ goals.
ecoLatinos envisions the winning proposal to include the following deliverables:
- Develop a comprehensive Communications Plan, to align with our Strategic Plan, that integrates the materials developed during this grant process (as outlined below)
- Development of branding documents, including a tri-fold informational flyer about the organization (one in English and one in Spanish or able to be translated to Spanish)
- Development of a comprehensive social media strategy
- Development of letter of introduction for new contacts (individuals or organizations)
- Development of a newsletter template and samples
- Development of regular outreach content and campaign communication templates
- Redesign of ecoLatinos Website and social media platforms to be more engaging, interactive, and timely.
- The ideal candidate will include bilingual team member(s) – Spanish/English.
Proposal format and additional requirement elements.
The proposal must include the following:
- A concise (≤5 page) proposal that addresses each of the Communications Strategy expectations and deliverables” outlined above.
- A budget including total number of hours and hourly rate of compensation for the services to be performed during the term of the Contract.
- Contact Information
- Resume
- References
- Firm/Consultant Description
We anticipate the final consultant selection process to take place by July 20 and work to begin immediately thereafter, based on a timeline agreed upon by the consultant and ecoLatinos. Consultants may reach out until the due date with any questions regarding the organization and our projects.
Proposal submission information and term of contract
- Proposals can be submitted via email to Ruby Stemmle at
- Please include “EcoLatinos communications Plan RFP” in the subject line.
- Deadline for Proposal Submissions: July 10, 2022, Eastern Standard Time
- The term of the contract may extend from August 1, 2022 to February 1, 2022
Principal Solicitation Officer and Issuing Office:
Name of Organization: ecoLatinos, Inc.
Address: 5836 Dewey Street, Cheverly, MD 20785
Contact Person: Ruby Stemmle, CEO Telephone Number: 240-564-1256
Email Address of PCP:
Evaluation procedure and criteria
- Evaluation Criteria: Proposals that meet the minimum qualifications will be evaluated on the basis of the following factors:
- Proposed Consultant Responsible for Performance of Contract. Evaluation of the qualifications, reputation, and compatibility with the needs of ecoLatinos and the individual or individuals who will perform the Contract.
- Proposed Approach. Evaluation of the work to be performed to accomplish the goals outlined in the Scope of Services.
- Experience of Offeror. Evaluation of the quality and quantity of the Offeror’s experience and expertise in the areas proposed.
- Capacity. Evaluation of the Offeror’s ability and commitment to meet the timeline for the project.
- Price. Cost of the project.