Anne Arundel Watershed Stewards Academy is Soliciting Proposals for a Development Campaign Consultant. For the full request, visit our website here.
The WSA Board of Directors is seeking a development campaign consultant to assist the Board, Campaign Advisory Committee, Executive Director, and Development and Communications Manager to achieve the following objectives:
1. Identify development/financing strategies that will result in a sustainable increase in annual funding over the next 2-3 years. In addition to raising annual or campaign funds, the consultant should recommend other strategies such as legacy giving, endowment, etc. that will produce continued future growth and assist the organization with prioritization of those fundraising strategies.
2. Identify donor segments which may provide the greatest fundraising growth and identify prospects in each segment.
3. Design and develop strategies, and assist WSA with implementation to meet our fundraising goals.
Proposals are due by March 8, 2023.
Questions may be directed to Sara Ballesteros, WSA’s Development and Communications Manager at