Join the CWEA Stormwater Committee and Pam Parker and Calvin (Ed) Edmiston on March 16 @ Noon for a webinar on Montgomery County DEP’s asset management system.

Montgomery County DEP implements a robust Inspection and Maintenance Program for stormwater management BMPs under its jurisdiction. The success of the program relies on an asset management database that allows DEP to store data on each of the (currently) 20,000 assets in the County, and issue work orders to contractors conducting triennial inspections and maintenance. Pam Parker is the Section Chief of the Stormwater BMP Inspection and Maintenance Program. Ed Edmiston manages the Triennial Inspection Program in that Section, and has been integral to developing and conducting the business processes that allow the County to track information and prioritize maintenance work for an average of 4,000 BMPs per year. Pam and Ed will discuss the basics of the asset management system and how DEP uses that system to meet the requirements of its MS4 Permit.