The Gunpowder Valley Conservancy’s (GVC) Clear Creeks Project promotes clean water in the Gunpowder Watershed by working with a coalition of partner organizations to mobilize diverse communities to implement stormwater management and habitat restoration projects that are described
in county watershed action plans, including rain barrels, rain gardens, micro-bioretention practices, Bayscapes, native tree plantings, and stream cleanups. In 2024-2026 the Project’s geographic area will extend to the entire Gunpowder watershed to engage more diverse partners and communities to work towards our shared vision. Outcomes will include the annual reduction of est. 369.31 lbs nitrogen, 45.92 lbs phosphorus, and 74,162.89 lbs sediment draining to local streams and the Chesapeake Bay; improved stream health; increased engagement of Gunpowder watershed residents in restoration
activities; and the establishment of a regional-scale partnership that will enable diverse organizations throughout the Gunpowder watershed to work together more efficiently to implement actions recommended by County watershed plans.

As a part of this effort, GVC seeks to develop a list of qualified landscape architect and/or landscape designer contractors to carry out the work of GVC’s Clear Creeks Project conservation garden program.

Interested bidders should visit our website to download the full RFP and supporting documents. You can view a video of the 9/27 pre-bid meeting here

Proposals are due on October 16, 2024.