The Chesapeake Bay Trust is excited to announce that we are continuing our Diversity and Inclusion efforts, intensifying our goals to attract new audiences to our grant-making. To accomplish these goals, we seek consultant assistance to reach key new audiences.
The Trust has long aimed to reach beyond groups already committed to environmental work to new groups, or groups with a large gap between how they could be engaged and how they are currently engaged with natural resource issues. We do so for two reasons: First, our natural resources will only improve if stewards are engaged from wider audiences. Second, given that healthy natural resources improve lives in various ways, populations who are not engaged will be at a disadvantage. The success of efforts to reach these groups will require increased outreach, capacity building, and a willingness to listen to and understand the values and specific concerns of diverse communities.
The Trust seeks assistance from organizations who will help us attract participation from new groups in Maryland (especially communities and groups of color, the human health sector, and houses of worship/faith-based communities) to our Community Engagement Mini Grant and Chesapeake Conservation Corps programs.
Please see the Request for Proposal for the full description of the services being requested and how to apply. Proposals are due July 28th.
If you have chapters local to Maryland or know of organizations in Maryland that may be interested, we ask you to please pass this along!
Contact the contract officer with questions or assistance: BreāAnna Brooks, 410-974-2941, ext.112