The 4th grade program at Arlington Echo in Anne Arundel County is in need of volunteers to teach lessons to 4th grade students. If you are interested in helping out please call Sheen Goldberg at 420-222-3822 to make arrangements. You must be willing to submit to a background check in order to volunteer in AAC Public Schools. The dates of highest need and the schools attending on those dates are:
Hillsmere– March 6
Glen Dale#1– March 12
Glen Dale #2-March 13
George Cromwell– March 14
Seven Oaks #1-March 27
Seven Oaks #2– March 28
Vanbokkelen-April 3 and April 4
Maryland City– April 13
Germantown-April 18 and 19
Woodside-May 17 and 18
Manorview-May 21
Thank you