Dear Chesapeake Bay enthusiasts,
Last year, 10 of you filled out this form for our Grade 10 Chesapeake Bay app project–students crunched public Bay data and designed a useful app for a specific stakeholder. One of my favorites used water conditions over time to predict where specific fish could be located in the future for a family of fishermen who responded.
Please come through again! Chesapeake Network is our main connection to real stakeholders so WE NEED YOU. This project sings when students are motivated to meet a real person’s needs. We are looking for people of all ages, all interests, and especially people who work on and in the Bay: oystermen, fishermen, restaurateurs, people who depend on the bay for an income. We have 14 groups, so we’re hoping for 20 people to fill out this form. Your information will become a “profile” that we’ll share with the students. I will follow-up by email with more questions as needed, but you can opt out of follow-up too.
If you’re wary in any way, please message me directly and I can provide you with more information. Thank you for your help.
-Katey Shirey
P.S. Feel free to pass around this link if you know anyone else who might sign up!