Register by Wednesday to join us on Thursday 2/25!

Free Webinar: Conservation Easements for
Tax, Legal, and Real Estate Professionals

Thursday, February 25, 2021 • 8:30 am to 10:00 am • Online via Zoom

Scenic Rivers’ annual breakfast briefing for professional services providers is moving online!

Learning how your clients could benefit from conservation easements has never been more convenient (or comfy!).

Bring your morning coffee and your favorite breakfast treat and join us and a panel of local experts via Zoom on Thursday, February 25, 2021 from 8:30 am to 10:00 am

Professional services providers are invited to join Scenic Rivers Land Trust for a live webinar covering the legal and tax framework of conservation easements.

Learn about:

  • significant income, property, and estate tax benefits that might be available to your clients;
  • current funding sources for protecting forests and agricultural land, while owner still retains ownership of land; and
  • trending topics in land protection, including how to incorporate restoration projects with conservation easements.

All professional services providers are welcome, though the content of the presentation is geared toward lawyers, realtors, and tax and financial advisors.

Scenic Rivers is the most active land trust in Anne Arundel County, holding 70 conservation easements that protect nearly 3,200 acres. Over the last several years, Scenic Rivers has secured $2.5 million in grants for landowners who want to permanently protect their land.

Speakers Include:

  • Joan Renner, Scenic Rivers Land Trust, Board President
  • Ben Wechsler, Yumkas Vidmar Sweeney & Mulrenin, LLC, Attorney
  • Dick Davies, CohnReznick, Partner
  • Sarah Knebel, Scenic Rivers Land Trust, Executive Director

Registration is FREE but required by February 24. The online meeting link will be emailed to you with your event registration confirmation.Register via: