Become a WSA Tree Trooper and REPLANT our region!
Both Anne Arundel County and the City of Annapolis are partnering with Watershed Stewards Academy (WSA) to bring trees to communities across our region. Since the program’s creation in 2020, Replant Anne Arundel has planted over 9,000 trees and engaged over 850 county residents. We are excited about our new initiative with Replant Annapolis to target areas in need of more tree cover within the City of Annapolis.
Tree Troopers are volunteers who receive training and technical assistance to plan community tree plantings. Tree Troopers receive 5 (1 hour) virtual training sessions covering topics such as tree biology, siting trees in a landscape, proper tree planting techniques, and more! A field session at the end of the training equips Tree Troopers to lead their own community tree planting.Tree Trooper projects receive larger trees at low cost.
Tree Trooper Training begins March 30th. We are now accepting applications for our 2022 Tree Trooper season!
Space is limited – Apply Today!
Applications will be accepted until the course is full. Tree Trooper training is open to residents of Anne Arundel County and the City of Annapolis.