Title: NRO – P3007 – Water Permit Writer
Hiring Range: $55,892 – 85,000 (Commensurate with Experience)
Pay Band: 5
Agency: Dept of Environmental Quality
Location: Northern Regional Office
Agency Website: www.deq.virginia.gov
Recruitment Type: General Public – G
Job Duties
The Northern Regional Office seeks a qualified candidate to support the Water Permit, Planning and Monitoring department and is responsible for protecting water quality by preparing VPDES and VPA wastewater permits in accordance with the Clean Water Act and the Virginia State Water Control Board regulations. The position reviews wastewater permit applications for administrative, technical, and regulatory completeness and, with good water quality science and engineering, prepares timely permits in accordance with applicable regulations and agency practices. The position, as needed, participates in compliance inspections, pollution response, guidance development, and assistance with public inquiries.
Minimum Qualifications
- Knowledge in water quality science and wastewater treatment;
- Knowledge of state and federal environmental regulations;
- Ability to manage multiple concurrent assignments;
- Ability to read, interpret and apply complex policies, guidelines, and regulations.
- Ability to read and evaluate applications and engineering analyses, permits and related correspondence.
- Ability to work independently and with others to meet deadlines.
- Working knowledge of PC/database operations and information technology software.
- Demonstrated excellent verbal and written communication skills with ability to communicate with a diverse audience
Preferred Qualifications:
Graduation from an accredited college or university with major course work in environmental engineering and/or natural science or a combination of work experience and education demonstrating an equivalent technical background.
Contact Information:
Name: Yolanda Powell
Phone: 804-698-4000
Email: HROCommunications@deq.virginia.gov