CRC is pleased to announce that we have two openings within our Environmental Management Career Development Program, which provides coordination and project support to the Chesapeake Bay Program.
Habitat Goal Implementation Team Staffer – APPLICATION DUE DATE: JULY 7, 2024
The Environmental Management Staffer in this position will support the CBP’s Habitat Goal Implementation Team (Habitat GIT). The Habitat GIT works to restore, enhance, and protect a network of land and water habitats to support native fish and wildlife populations, and to afford other public co-benefits, including water quality, recreational uses, and scenic value across the watershed. It does this by convening habitat experts from federal, state, local and non-governmental organizations to identify priorities, seek funding for projects, and leverage resources to facilitate projects that restore degraded and/or conserve high-value habitats. These habitats include wetlands, submerged aquatic vegetation, and streams. There are two Habitat GIT Staffers who provide support to workgroups and action teams associated with these habitat types and species that depend on these habitats such as migratory fishes and birds, Eastern brook trout and American black duck. This Staffer position will co-support the Habitat GIT and be the primary Staffer for the Stream Health Workgroup, Brook Trout Action Team, and Fish Passage Workgroup. This position will also serve as Panel Coordinator for the Mid-Atlantic Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species (MAPAIS).
Full position description:
Stewardship Goal Implementation Team Staffer – APPLICATION DUE DATE: JULY 21, 2024
The Environmental Management Staffer in this position will support the CBP’s Fostering Chesapeake Stewardship Goal Implementation Team (GIT). With 18 million people living in the Chesapeake watershed, broad public and organizational engagement in conservation and restoration are vital. The Fostering Chesapeake Stewardship Goal Implementation Team is charged with increasing individual action; supporting environmental education; engaging with more diverse stakeholder groups; and advancing land conservation and expanded public access to green space and waterways throughout the Chesapeake watershed. This aims to build long-term stewardship of Chesapeake resources by watershed residents and organizations. The Stewardship Goal Implementation Team has two Environmental Management Staffers to support their work. This Staffer would specifically work to support the Protected Lands and Public Access outcomes and would share responsibility for supporting the Diversity outcome and the Goal Team overall.
Full position description:
A competitive salary, vacation and benefits package is included for these three-year positions. In addition to the experience gained through the Staffer’s work assignments, CRC can support the Staffer’s attendance at professional conferences, workshops, and training related to their position, identified future career interests and individual professional development plans.