Join Chesapeake Bay restoration practitioners and stakeholders for a five-part series to explore and elevate understanding of what constitutes effective, regional-scale collaborative approaches for Bay restoration, including the key factors that contribute to their success and how collaboratives evolve, adapt, and mature to sustain progress. We especially welcome stakeholders who are interested in NFWF’s Innovative…
Anne Arundel County Department of Inspections and Permits has added a feature to its webpage to allow citizens to report ailing and diseased red and white oak trees. Oak decline is a growing phenomenon throughout the Mid-Atlantic region whereby forest managers and arborists are seeing a large number of oak trees dying. There are many…
The Conservation Excellence Grant Program (CEG Program) provides financial and technical assistance for the implementation of best management practices (BMPs), including riparian buffers, on agricultural operations in high-priority locations within the Commonwealth through grants, loans and tax credits, or a combination of all three. Priority locations as follows and in this order: Tier 1 (Lancaster…
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation needs your help! As you may know, NFWF annually convenes the Chesapeake Bay Agriculture Networking Forum, an in-person, multi-day event for NFWF, its grantees, and partners to share best practices, network together, and discuss collaborative strategies and opportunities for advancing water quality improvement and thriving agriculture in the Bay…
Great news for forest buffers and other water quality practices: The Farm Service Agency has just announced that the Chesapeake is a pilot for CLEAR-30, a new program under the 2018 Farm Bill. Clean Lakes, Estuaries and Rivers (CLEAR) is a practice devoted to riparian buffers, wildlife habitat buffers or wetland buffers that will remain…
The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources organized a riparian forest buffer webinar series during the month of April. The PA Association of Conservation Districts and the Department of Environmental Protection recorded each webinar session and have made them available on their Clean Water Academy website.
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has extended its deadlines for the 2020 Small Watershed Grants (SWG) and Pennsylvania Local Government Implementation (PA-LGI) Grants programs in light of continued impacts from the current global health crisis. SWG applications will now be due by April 28th PA-LGI applications will be due April 30th NFWF will continue…
NFWF Now Accepting Proposals for the Pennsylvania Local Government Implementation (PA-LGI) funding opportunity NFWF Request for Proposals The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), is soliciting proposals for projects to implement one or more high-priority nutrient and sediment…
The Chesapeake Bay Forestry Workgroup offers these recommendations to the US Department of Agriculture to strengthen the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Programs (CREPs) –specifically for Riparian Forest Buffers –which will be critical to reaching their mandated water quality goals. Need for adequate cost-share: Adequate cost share for stream fencing, crossings and alternative water development is critical…
USDA’s Farm Service Agency began accepting applications June 3, 2019, for the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) and certain practices under the continuous Conservation Reserve Program. All Chesapeake states have CREP programs in place. It is the primary program for landowners to restore riparian forest buffers. Prior to reopening, the Program had been closed since…