CBF is announcing this year’s Environmental Leadership Program in partnership with AIMS, AISGW, VAIS and the Gunston School. We know from experience the most effective recruiting for this program comes from the recommendation of a colleague.
The Environmental Leadership for Independent School Leaders Course is open to independent school administrators, Trustees, lead teachers, and department chairs, running July 17-19, on Smith Island.
The goals of the program are to help administrators overcome barriers to incorporating environmental literacy into their academic program, to prepare them to draft and implement a plan to further their school’s environmental mission, and to learn about new opportunities and resources to add to their environmental program. Additionally, we aim to provide school leaders with unique opportunities to network and find ways to energize teaching and learning at their schools by using the environment.
A flyer describing the professional learning opportunity is attached and more information and registration can be found atwww.cbf.org/principals.