Lecture at Mt. Cuba Center
Untangling Viny Clematis Viorna
With Dwayne Estes, PhD and Amy Highland
Thursday, June 27
10 am – 12 pm; $29
Coming to your garden center soon: native clematis! Current research shows there is a lot of potential for these beautiful flowering vines. Dr. Dwayne Estes overviews the genus Clematis, presents the identifying characteristics of the American species, and discusses their ecological preferences, geographic distribution, and garden-worthy features. Amy Highland then leads a tour of Mt. Cuba Center’s core collection of native clematis so you can see first-hand how amazing these plants are. Please bring a sketchbook and colored pencils to class. Rain date for this class is Friday, June 28, 2019.
Register online or call 302-239-8807.
Mt. Cuba Center
3120 Barley Mill Road
Hockessin, DE 19707