Environmental Concern (EC) invites all students and professionals just entering the field of wetland science, as well as those needing a review, to attend this 5-day (40 hour) Basic Wetland Delineation Course. This course satisfies the requirements for basic wetland delineation training as specified by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. The 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual and Regional Supplement will be used during the training. The course covers the Clean Water Act Section 404 regulations, updated regulation changes, and individual wetland parameters of vegetation, soils and hydrology. EC’s instructors will guide course participants through the wetland delineation field procedures, including the completion of the Regional Supplement Data Forms. Participants will receive a USB drive containing all course materials including the 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual; Regional Supplements (Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region; Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region); Regional Wetland Plant Lists; Wetland Determination Data Forms; and the USDA Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States (and additional notes). The course is divided between 24 hours of virtual class time, and 16 hours of in-person field experience from EC’s campus in St. Michaels, MD. Course dates: May 10-14. Visit www.wetland.org or call 410.745.9620 to register.