Soil, Infiltration, and Groundwater Interpretation. What does it all mean?
This workshop focuses on the ability of the soil to filter wastewater/stormwater pollutants as it infiltrates the ground. Currently in the Mid-Atlantic Region, state regulatory agencies require a certain distance or buffer above the seasonal high ground water levels to adequately treat these infiltrating waters. By understanding how soil texture, structure, and morphology can be used to interpret seasonal high ground water levels, we can make better decisions on selection of potential sites for wastewater and stormwater disposal.
The workshop will be in two parts:
1. Presentations – Speakers will discuss soils, local geology, land planning issues, and state regulatory perspective on these topics.
2. Field Session – Tests pits will be open at a local site to examine the soils for seasonal high ground water interpretation, adequate treatment zone, and soil morphological features for predicting infiltration ability. Actual infiltration tests will be completed the week before for discussing various methods (standard percolation test, single ring, and double ring methods) based on the test results.
When: Thursday, October 11, 2018
Where: Presentations at Sudlersville Volunteer Fire Company, 203 N. Church Street, Suddlersville, MD 21688 and field session at 420 Cosden Road, Barclay, MD 21607
Time: 8:00AM – 4:00PM
Lunch will be provided
MAPSS Fall Flyer 2018 rev Registration Form – MAPSS fall Field Day