Greetings, stormwater professionals:

The National Municipal Stormwater Alliance (NMSA) invites you to our 2022 Annual Meeting. We are holding this meeting on the Monday afternoon before the technical sessions begin at the Water Environment Federation Stormwater Summit, at a location close to the Summit hotel. This meeting is free for all attendees.

Please forward this invitation to other stormwater professionals in your network, especially MS4 permittees.

Monday, June 27th    3:30 – 5:00 PM Central Daylight Time (please note the time zone)

Hybrid meeting – virtual and in-person (limited in-person capacity)

Stantec Consulting office, Minneapolis, MN, 733 Marquette Ave., Suite 1000

No cost for participants/attendees

If you can join us in-person, please send an E-mail to If you plan to join us either virtually or in-person, please fill out a Web-based registration form and click on the “Register now” button. Shortly after doing that, you will receive an E-mail from Stantec confirming your registration and providing a link to the meeting. Here are links to the registration form, in two formats – hyperlinked text and a URL that you can paste into your Web browser:

Register here

This meeting will be a rare opportunity to hear from and ask questions of senor EPA staff on multiple topics related to stormwater and with a focus on MS4 permittees. Speakers will include:

EPA – Michael Deane, Chief, Clean Water State Revolving Fund Branch

EPA – Elisabeth Schlaudt, Physical Scientist, Office of Wastewater Management, State Revolving Fund Branch

EPA – Chris Kloss (invited), Director, Water Permits Division, Office of Wastewater Management

Steve Dye, WEF Legislative Director

Dr. Seth Brown, NMSA Executive Director

Topics covered will include:

Information about new federal infrastructure funding, including for stormwater

Clean Water State Revolving Fund program

Clean Watersheds Needs Survey

EPA Headquarters stormwater work and initiatives

NMSA information and updates

We look forward to having you join us for this meeting. We will send more details about this meeting to all the registrants shortly before the meeting date.

Take care and stay safe,

Randy Neprash

Randy Neprash, PE
National Municipal Stormwater Alliance, Vice-Chair

Cell: 651-271-5535