Join your Upper Potomac Riverkeeper on RiverPalooza 2018’s 3rd annual iconic float through the entrenched meandering bends on the Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail near Paw Paw, WV. The Paw Paw Bends are the classic signature of the Upper Potomac River. The rural, almost wild-like scenery and sky-high rocky cliffs literally feel like a walk back in time. This two-day trip leaves from Paw Paw, WV, camping at Bond’s Landing at the edge of the Green Ridge State Forest and ends at the Fifteen Mile Creek Campground on the C&O Canal.
Our trip begins with a special tour of the Paw Paw Tunnel on the C&O Canal with a guest speaker from the National Park Service, followed by a beautiful paddle through Paw Paw Bends. Dinner will be provided by Mission BBQ on Saturday night at Bond’s Landing where we set up camp and eat around an open campfire. A light breakfast will be available on Sunday along with a “make your own” packed lunch buffet. Water and drinks will be available throughout the weekend but feel free to bring your own snacks and drinks.
Register Now! For more info on this trip and to check out our other RiverPalooza 2018 events, go to