City Nature Challenge: Gwynns Falls Leakin Park BioBlitz!
Saturday, April 29, 2023
10:00 am – 2:30 pm
Age: All
Cost: Free
Take part in a fun, community effort to observe and identify the plants and animals of Gwynns Falls Leakin Park! This event is in support of the Baltimore City Nature Challenge – find out more here. The City Nature Challenge is an annual community science competition for cities across the globe to find and document the plants and wildlife found in urban areas. Join us for a day of exploration, learning, and community science to document the many forms of life that call this park home. There will be interactive stations and guided hiking opportunities during the day. Binoculars, hand lens, and field guides will be available for use. Bring your phone or camera to document the species we find. If possible, download the free iNaturalist app before the program.
This is hosted in partnership with the National Aquarium, Birds of Urban Baltimore, Baltimore City Master Gardener, US Fish & Wildlife, Greater Baltimore Wilderness Coalition, and the Friends of Gwynns Falls Leakin Park.