Susquehanna State Park sits on land rich in history. And Virginia bluebells! Spring weather ignites ephemerals into full bloom there, with bluebells winning the most prolific award as they carpet the forest floor in every direction. Let’s spend a morning with wildlife photographer and naturalist Frank Marsden as he shares the history of Conowingo Dam, the abandoned rail line, and the remnants of the Susquehanna and Tidewater Canal amidst the beauty of the flowers.

We’ll hike the trail as it flanks the river to admire and photograph the bluebells as well as other possible wildflowers, such as Dutchman’s breeches, trillium, mayapples, and violets. We will likely find the trail at peak bloom or close to it, depending on the changeable spring weather. Birds, including fishing ospreys, bald eagles, and colorful warblers, may be seen along the river or in the tree canopy. We will hike about three miles out and back on a relatively level trail.