Over the last decade or two, beavers (Castor canadensis) have made an incredible rebound on the landscape throughout Maryland and the mid-Atlantic region. This has posed challenges, in terms of infrastructure and other human conflicts, but it also presents tremendous opportunities for our communities, the Chesapeake Bay, and its tributaries.
Anne Arundel County (MD) has taken a proactive approach to adaptively managing beaver populations throughout the County, and working with sister agencies and the public to better convey the benefits of beaver and create opportunities for durable coexistence. In addition, the County has initiated conversations with the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) about recognizing the benefits of beaver systems for potential clean water regulatory compliance.
Speaker: Erik Michelsen

Erik is a Deputy Director for Anne Arundel County’s Department of Public Works, heading its Bureau of Watershed Protection and Restoration. He works to facilitate the recovery of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries through supporting robust restoration projects and rigorous scientific monitoring efforts, bolstered by broad stakeholder partnerships.

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