COP26 Climate Change Conference
& What it Means for Maryland
a virtual presentation
by Maryland Secretary of the Environment Ben Grumbles
upon his return from Glasgow
Introduction by Peter Goodwin, PhD
President, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
What is happening in Glasgow and what does it really mean for the Climate Crisis? How will global-level decisions made at COP26 affect us here in Maryland? Two officials will address these questions at a special and informative virtual talk on November 18.
Peter Goodwin, PhD, professor and President of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science will briefly address the existential nature of the global issues discussed at COP26 and what agreements or pledges made at the higher levels of government mean.
Then Maryland Secretary of the Environment Ben Grumbles will then bring the conversation home to Maryland and the Chesapeake region. He was in Glasgow and met with his international and national counterparts.
Join Annapolis Green to learn as the Climate Crisis continues to impact everything from weather and health to availability of food and national security.
To register for this event send us an email to with the subject line: COP26. Please include your name and we will email you the Zoom link prior to the event.
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