Dr. Keith N. Eshleman – Professor at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, based at the Appalachian Laboratory in Frostburg, Maryland, will join us to speak about his research pertaining to highway bioswale effectiveness.
This long-term field study assessed the performance of highway bioswales in controlling stormwater and stormwater pollution associated with Maryland’s highway system; bioswale performance was assessed relative to grassed swales with which the bioswales were paired at three sites across the state (Washington County, Frederick County, and Howard County).
With respect to stormwater quality, we examined differences in paired event mean concentrations for more than 25 different measured water pollutants/constituents. Some results strongly suggest that regulatory authorities should consider some major design modifications to improve overall bioswale water quality performance with respect to these pollutants.
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More information on this webinar can be found on the Chesapeake Stormwater Network website: https://chesapeakestormwater.net/event/effectiveness-of-highway-bioswales-in-treating-stormwater-runoff-in-maryland/