In the first event of this series hosted by Lower Shore Land Trust and Eastern Shore Land Conservancy, attendees will join the staff of Pickering Creek Audubon Center for a birding walk, conversation about bird habitat restoration, and a demonstration on how to use eBird, a bird observation application.
The full series will highlight restoration efforts being implemented across Maryland’s Eastern Shore and will include discussions of restoration practices and trainings in bird conservation, in an effort to increase awareness of the challenges to bird populations and of the actions being implemented to counter them.
The series is still being planned, but is currently as follows:
Pickering Creek Audubon Center (Easton, Talbot County) – Wednesday, March 2nd, Register here
Chino Farms Grassland Tour (Chestertown, Kent County) – Monday, April 18th, registration will be through ESLC
Foreman’s Branch Bird Observatory Bird Banding (Chestertown, Kent County) – Tuesday, April 26th, registration will be through ESLC
Economics of Bird Conservation – TBD, registration will be through Lower Shore Land Trust
Maryland Coastal Bays Boat Tour – TBD, registration will be through Lower Shore Land Trust
Delaware Wildlands Wood Duck Tour – TBD, registration will be through Lower Shore Land Trust