In 2016, 2019, and 2022, leaders from Pennsylvania’s agricultural and environmental communities participated in a series of “Pennsylvania in the Balance” conferences. In the early years, participants generated creative new ideas to position agriculture in the state as a solution for clean water. Convened by the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences, PA in Balance 2022 marked the latest in a series of these conferences aimed at providing a forum where motivated leaders in agriculture and the environment work collaboratively to identify new, innovative solutions that can help ensure thriving, productive agriculture while meeting water quality goals for Pennsylvania’s local streams and the Chesapeake Bay.
Join us on March 15, from 12-1 pm ET, to hear from two speakers who have been instrumental in these conversations. Lara Fowler, PennState mediator attorney and law faculty member focuses on water, energy, agriculture, and dispute resolution; and Jill Whitcomb, Director of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Watershed Restoration and Nonpoint Source Management, who provides vision and leadership for Pennsylvania’s nonpoint source management program, Chesapeake Bay watershed restoration efforts, and more.
- Lara Fowler, Interim Chief Sustainability Officer, Penn State, Interim Director, Sustainability Institute, Professor of Teaching, Penn State Law, Affiliate Faculty, Penn State School of International Affairs
- Jill Whitcomb, Director of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Watershed Restoration and Nonpoint Source Management
Denice Wardrop, Executive Director, Chesapeake Research Consortium
About CRC Roundtable
The Chesapeake Research Consortium (CRC) comprises seven research and education institutions around the Chesapeake Bay, convening with the goal of using science to inform management. We launched the CRC Roundtable, a monthly virtual seminar series, to host targeted, inclusive, and informed conversations matching scientific advances and management needs in a way that moves us collectively forward toward decision-making for effective and sustainable management of the Chesapeake Bay, its watershed, and its living resources. Learn more about what we accomplished in 2021 in our annual report and watch our 50th anniversary video.
The lunchtime seminars will invite a diverse range of researchers, managers, and other professionals to have timely conversations around topics relevant to the Chesapeake partnership. The seminars also build connectivity across participating organizations and identify ways to increase our collective competency for decision making.