The Chesapeake Bay Foundation seeks a Regional Watershed Services Manager to be based at its Eastern Shore office in Easton, MD. Successful candidates will coordinate the planning, prioritization, and streamlined delivery of stormwater management projects in close coordination with local government partners who are working collaboratively with CBF to increase watershed restoration capacity. Extensive travel is anticipated to the following jurisdictions: Cambridge, Easton, Oxford, Salisbury, Queen Anne’s County and Talbot County. This is a full-time position that terminates in the fall of 2020.




CBF is helping local governments on Maryland’s rural Eastern Shore build capacity for implementing stormwater management practices that can achieve goals for improved water quality. CBF facilitates the Healthy Waters Working Group (HWWG), a partnership of county and municipal governments that collaborates to invest in shared technical support staff and services to aid in the planning, prioritization, and streamlined delivery of stormwater management projects. HWWG is leveraging resources from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and state and local partners to implement locally-identified projects that benefit multiple jurisdictions. The initiative implements a high-priority action identified by local government participants in the Healthy Waters Round Table, an Eastern Shore collaborative that seeks to maximize the impact of limited resources available for pollution control.


The current phase of the project includes implementing a cohesive regional structure that is supported by an expert Regional Watershed Services Manager to efficiently meet watershed restoration needs. The Regional Watershed Services Manager will be supervised by CBF with extensive input from partnering local jurisdictions.


The collaborative effort will help counties and towns combine and leverage limited resources, plan and prioritize projects, and speed the delivery of stormwater best management practices (BMPs). The project will test the efficacy of: 1) planning and prioritizing stormwater BMP installations across a region, rather than a single local jurisdiction; 2) enhancing project delivery, with localities sharing procurement services jointly; and 3) creating uniform tracking/verification protocols for jurisdictions outside the MS4 permitting regime. These outcomes can help prepare officials to institutionalize a cooperative framework for water quality improvement services on the Eastern Shore and in resource-limited areas throughout Maryland.


Core tasks include:


  1. Identify and prioritize projects. Meet with participating jurisdictions to identify candidate projects from lists found in local inventories, watershed restoration plans, Capital Improvement Programs, and other sources. Add information to help jurisdictions prioritize these projects using attributes such as treatment area, construction and maintenance cost, expected nutrient reduction, and procedural considerations such as permits, public interest, and regional benefit. Identify candidates for comprehensive/cross-jurisdictional implementation.


  1. Seek funding for projects. Advise participating jurisdictions on the selection of a portfolio of top-ranked projects for funding. Research and recommend funding alternatives for projects proposed to be implemented within the three-year HWWG operational horizon. Evaluate the funding landscape, connect with funders to identify good matches, and raise the profile of HWWG projects among potential supporters. Develop financing options for the project portfolio that include local and outside sources. Prepare grant applications.


  1. Develop a joint procurement instrument. Review existing local procurement systems and tools. Evaluate potential shared purchasing arrangements for design, survey, materials, and construction. Arrangements may include a state purchasing contract, Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (ID/IQ) arrangements, design/build protocol, or a RFP for multiple jurisdictions managed by a local government or third party. The evaluation should include discussions with relevant external agencies and consultation with legal professionals as needed.  Help participating jurisdictions select, draft, and operationalize a preferred procurement mechanism.


  1. Create templates for BMP design and maintenance. Work with engineering professionals to develop a set of “royalty-free” standard designs/sections for BMP types identified as priorities by the HWWG. Inventory existing details with information from MDE and prior local projects and modify as needed to reflect Eastern Shore conditions. Include materials and planting lists, a standard maintenance schedule for the life of the practice, and estimated establishment and operational costs. Templates should focus on Environmental Site Designs of less than 5,000 square feet.


  1. Build and maintain interest. Organize annual briefings, host a summit, and provide field experiences for local and state elected officials that demonstrate the value of the HWWG partnership. Build and maintain a webpage for the partnership that serves as a platform for program updates and provides access to completed deliverables. Author occasional content including social media, short videos, and press releases to promote completed tasks.


Additional Tasks:


  • Coordinate BMP construction trainings. Partner with localities, NGOs, or other experts to deliver a BMP installation training workshop for contractors that introduces the shared procurement arrangement, builds familiarity with best practices, and clarifies expectations for performance. Identify design and construction training opportunities for stormwater plan reviewers and operations staff.


  • Establish a tracking protocol. Work with the Maryland Department of the Environment to develop a tracking system for projects that contribute to WIP implementation goals. Identify a local point of contact for joint projects completed by the HWWG. Clarify procedures to be used by state and local partners under the Phase III WIP for credit assignment and periodic BMP verification.


  • Coordinate restoration programs with state and federal agencies. Surface and promote changes to state or federal programs that would accommodate innovative practice designs and/or accelerate project delivery. Advocate for funding of monitoring and maintenance in state and federal financial assistance programs. Identify enforcement options for BMPs on commercial and use-in-common properties (such as HOAs).






  • A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in environmental sciences, management, planning, public administration, or a related field, plus five years professional experience. A master’s degree may substitute for two years of experience.
  • Robust knowledge of watershed issues, urban non-point source pollution reduction strategies, and watershed management planning.
  • Experience working with local government. Knowledge of local, state, and federal laws and regulations.
  • The ability to effectively coordinate and manage a complex multi-dimensional project, coordinate diverse groups, and facilitate dialogue to achieve consensus.
  • Excellent time-management skills. Ability to prioritize and handle multiple and simultaneous project implementation tasks.
  • A valid state-issued driver’s license.




  • Excellent public speaking and written communication skills.
  • Experience with local and state stormwater management programs.
  • Familiarity with government procurement programs and procedures.
  • Familiarity with Maryland’s Eastern Shore.
  • A working knowledge of geographic information systems (GIS), watershed modeling, and spatial analyst tools.
  • Skills in website development and management.





This grant-funded position terminates in the fall of 2020.


To apply, please send cover letter, resume, and salary history and requirements no later than February 28, 2018 to:


Human Resources/FY18-031- RWSM

Chesapeake Bay Foundation


CBF offers a comprehensive benefits package to include: 20 vacation days, 10 sick days, health, vision, dental, life insurance, and a tax deferred retirement plan.  The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is an Equal Opportunity Employer.