Looking for a part time job this summer, taking out a boat and protecting the environment? Look no further!
Arundel Rivers Federation is seeking an operator to manage a pump-out boat for the summer. The pump-out operator is responsible for the safe handling and disposal of waste from vessels in the South, West, and Rhode Rivers, and for day-to-day management of the pump-out boat. The pump-out operator will receive an hourly wage of $15-18/hour, dependent on experience.
The operator must hold a Maryland Boating Safety Certificate issued by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (https://dnr.maryland.gov/nrp/Pages/BoatingSafety/Educational-Requirement.aspx), or be exempt and able to demonstrate sufficient experience handling small vessels. Hours of operation are 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Thursday-Sunday, and Holidays dependent on weather and demand. The term of the position is from May 21-October 1, 2020.
To Apply:
The pump out operator will report to the South, West, and Rhode RIVERKEEPER, Jesse Iliff. If interested, please email Jesse at jesse@arundelrivers.org to discuss further. Resumes will be accepted until the position is filled. The start date of the position is subject to delay until the recreational boating restrictions are lifted in the Maryland.