CRC is pleased to share that we have TWO openings within CRC’s Environmental Management Career Development Program, which provides coordination and project support to the Chesapeake Bay Program.

Scientific, Technical Assessment, and Reporting Team Staffer – APPLICATION DUE DATE: NOVEMBER 7, 2024

The Environmental Management Staffer in this three-year position will support the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Scientific, Technical Assessment, and Reporting (STAR) Team. STAR enhances Chesapeake Bay science and capacity by facilitating collaboration among science providers to provide monitoring, modeling, and analysis needed to update, explain, and communicate ecosystem condition and change to support the work of the program. The STAR team coordinates monitoring, modeling, and analysis across the CBP to help decision makers progress towards the goal and outcomes of the 2014 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement. STAR has embraced a more ecosystem-based science mission approach by supporting the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Goal Implementation Teams in identifying, organizing, and addressing their science needs. There are two STAR Staffers who provide support to STAR and the workgroups associated with STAR’s areas of focus. This Staffer will jointly support STAR and be the primary support for the Data Integrity Workgroup, the Criteria Assessment Protocol Workgroup, the Hypoxia Collaborative Team, and the Bay Oxygen Research Group. While serving as primary support for the workgroups listed above, this staffer may support other STAR workgroups on an ad-hoc basis.

Full position description:

Climate Resiliency Workgroup Staffer – APPLICATION DUE DATE: NOVEMBER 7, 2024

The Environmental Management Staffer in this two-year position will support the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Climate Resiliency Workgroup. Changing precipitation, temperatures, and sea level conditions are altering the Bay ecosystem and land use, requiring adjustment to policies, programs, and projects to successfully achieve restoration and protection goals for the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed. This challenge requires careful monitoring and assessment of these impacts and application of this knowledge to policies, programs, and projects. The Climate Resiliency Workgroup coordinates science efforts to increase climate resiliency – the ability to anticipate, prepare for, and adapt to changing conditions and to withstand, respond to, and recover rapidly from disruptions – for the Chesapeake Bay Program as outlined in the 2014 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement. This includes supporting climate monitoring and assessment to track changes in sea level, precipitation, water temperature, and the resulting ecosystem response and pursuing, designing, and implementing climate adaptation activities that enhance resilience of the Chesapeake Bay.  This position may be extended for an additional year pending the availability of funding.

Full position description:

A competitive salary, vacation and benefits package is included for both positions. In addition to the experience gained through the Staffer’s work assignments, CRC can support the Staffer’s attendance at professional conferences, workshops, and training related to their position, identified future career interests and individual professional development plan.