The Vice President of Finance is responsible for ensuring that compliance, accounting, cash flow, and risk management at the Lancaster Conservancy run effectively and efficiently.  They will play a key role in partnering with the President/CEO, Vice Presidents, and General Counsel to ensure the continued financial success of the organization. The selected individual will maintain timely and accurate financial records in accordance with GAAP and oversee Human Resources functions for the organization. This position partners with and represents Conservancy staff on the Finance & Audit Committee of the Board of Directors and supervises the Development & Accounting Manager. See the job posting for a full position description

This is a full-time, salaried, exempt position with competitive pay and benefits. The Lancaster Conservancy is headquartered in Lancaster City, PA.  The position is office based at the headquarters location with the possibility of hybrid work upon approval.

Interested, qualified applications should send a cover letter and resume to Kevin Rolfs at  Applicants are assessed continuously until we find the right candidate, so please don’t hesitate to submit your application as soon as possible and no later than Monday, April 21, 2025, at 11:59 pm. Please list your last name and VP of Finance as the email’s subject line (i.e. Lastname-VP of Finance) and note where you saw the job posting in the body of the email.