September 24, 2022– Bear Creek Cleanup with the International Ocean Conservancy: 9 AM – 2 PM (Bear Creek Park near the pumping station, Dundalk). This cleanup will be in support of Interna- tional Youth Service Day. Help us cleanup the trash before it flows into the Chesapeake Bay.
September 10, 2022 – Fall Bread and Cheese Creek Cleanup with the International Ocean Con- servancy: 8 AM – 2 PM (2408 Plainfield Road, Dundalk). Help us cleanup this cleanup this beautiful little historic stream that flows into Back River and the Chesapeake Bay with the International Ocean Conservancy.
July 2, 2022– Dundalk’s 1812 Monuments Cleanup: 8 AM – 12 PM (Battle Acre Park, 3115 S. North Point Road, Dundalk). Please help us cleanup Battle Acre, North Point Battlefield Park and the Meth- odist Meeting House Monument in memory of those who sacrificed their lives during the War of 1812.
May 14, 2022– Stansbury Park and Pond Cleanup: 9 AM – 2 PM (Meet at Stansbury Park near the Pavilion, Dundalk). Join us as we work in celebration of National Kids to Parks Day to remove the trash before it washes into Bear Creek and the Chesapeake Bay. This cleanup will be run in conjunc-…
April 16, 2022 – Bear Creek Park and Shore Cleanup with Project Clean Stream: 9 AM – 2 PM (Bear Creek Park Bear Creek Elementary School Dundalk). This cleanup will be in support of American Riv- ers and the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay. Help us cleanup the trash before it flows in to the…
April 2, 2022– Spring Bread and Cheese Creek Cleanup with Project Clean Stream : 8 AM – 2 PM (2408 Plainfield Road, Dundalk). Help us cleanup this cleanup this beautiful little historic stream that flows into Back River and the Chesapeake Bay with American Rivers and the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay
9 AM – 2 PM (Bear Creek Park near the pumping station, Dundalk). This cleanup will be in support of International Youth Service Day. Help us cleanup the trash before it flows into the Chesapeake Bay.
8 AM – 2 PM (2408 Plainfield Road, Dundalk). Help us cleanup this cleanup this beautiful little historic stream that flows into Back River and the Chesapeake Bay with the International Ocean Conservancy.
8 AM – 12 PM (Battle Acre Park, 3115 S. North Point Road, Dundalk). Please help us cleanup Battle Acre, North Point Battlefield Park and the Methodist Meeting House Monument in memory of those who sacrificed their lives during the War of 1812.
12:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Meet at Stansbury Park near the Pavilion, Dundalk). Join us as we work in celebration of National Kids to Parks Day to remove the trash before it washes into Bear Creek and the Chesapeake Bay. This cleanup will be run in conjunction with America Rivers and the Alliance for the…
9 AM – 2 PM (Bear Creek Park Bear Creek Elementary School Dundalk). This cleanup will be in support of American Rivers and the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay. Help us cleanup the trash before it flows in to the Bay.
8 AM – 2 PM (2408 Plainfield Road, Dundalk). Help us cleanup this cleanup this beautiful little historic stream that flows into Back River and the Chesapeake Bay with American Rivers and the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay
On May 16, 2020, in celebration of National Kids to Park Day, please help us cleanup this beautiful park and pond because every child deserves a safe clean place to play in and experience nature. We will provide gloves, trash bags, snacks, lunch and bottle water. Registration will be located at or near the pavilion…
Thank you so very much for your interest in Clean Bread and Cheese Creek. We can certainly use all as many volunteers as possible of all ages and abilities and we look forward to the possibility of working with you! We are all aware of the importance the health of the Chesapeake Bay hold to…
We can certainly use your help! Please mark your calendars for our cleanup of the Historic Bread and Cheese Creek on Saturday, September 19, 2020 at 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Rain or Shine, we clean up the section of Historic Bread and Cheese Creek from the Berkshire Area to North Point Road. Registration will…
We can certainly use all as many volunteers as possible of all ages and abilities and we look forward to the possibility of working with you! We are all aware of the importance the health of the Chesapeake Bay hold to all Maryland Residents. Please help clean up The historic shoreline of Bear Creek and…
We can certainly use your help! Please mark your calendars for our cleanup of the Historic Bread and Cheese Creek on Saturday, April 4, 2020 at 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Rain or Shine, we clean up the section of Historic Bread and Cheese Creek from the Berkshire Area to North Point Road. Registration will…