Anne Arundel Community College ENV-513-201 Sustainable Landscape Maintenance 1.0 ceu hours Learn to manage landscapes sustainably by reducing fertilizer, pesticide and water use. Build an understanding of plant ecosystem needs to reduce costs and market a green landscape business. Textbook information available at AACC Bookstore. CEUs issued. $145 includes $7 fee. 3 Sessions Tu …
HOR-329 901 Woody Plants for Landscape Installation 0.9 ceu hours Learn about the use of shade trees, evergreens, shrubs, ornamental trees and native woody plants in a landscape project. Review habitats, soil condition requirements and hardiness restrictions. Discuss bloom sequence, flower color display, coastal and upland landscape features, and the value of ornamentals. Textbook information available…
Course is running beginning next week! OPT-306 Forest Conservation Qualified Professional Training 3.8 ceu hours Complete state-approved training leading to the Maryland Forest Conservation Qualified Professional license. Study forest stand delineation, tree inventories and how changes in land use affects trees. CEUs issued. $307 includes $27 fee. Note: Students will have to meet Maryland Department…
There are still openings in the course listed below that begins this weekend. For registration information, go to or call (410) for a registration form. HOR 329 Woody Plants for Landscape Installation Learn about the use of shade trees, evergreens, shrubs, ornamental trees and native woody plants in a landscape project. Review habitats, soil…
OPT-306-201 Forest Conservation Qualified Professional Training Complete state-approved training leading to the Maryland Forest Conservation Qualified Professional license. Study forest stand delineation, tree inventories and how changes in land use affects trees. CEUs awarded. $307 includes $27 fee. Note: Those completing this course may apply for qualified professional status to prepare forest conservation plans and…
ENV 512 Rain Garden and Environmental Site Design Study rain garden and environmental site design to increase marketable skills in site assessment, design elements, construction specifications and permit processing. Get hands-on experience by constructing and planting a rain garden. CEUs awarded. $175 includes $7 fee. Prerequisite: Professional Landscape Design or Construction experience required. Section 101…
ENV 512 Rain Garden and Environmental Site Design Study rain garden and environmental site design to increase marketable skills in site assessment, design elements, construction specifications and permit processing. Get hands-on experience by constructing and planting a rain garden. CEUs awarded. $175 includes $7 fee. Prerequisite: Professional Landscape Design or Construction experience required. Section 101…