Hosted by the International Biochar Initiative. Cost to non-members is $40. Floods are occurring with ever more frequency and ferocity. The consequences of which are enormously costly both economically and environmentally. Stormwater management and green infrastructure (GI) are thus becoming an urgent priority across the globe as rural and urban areas struggle to adopt to…
Beautifydrainage ditches and earn nutrient credits:
Of interest to stormwater studies: “In regions like the east and west coast of North America, New Zealand and south-east Asia, 50% of the fresh water that flows on land is attributed to atmospheric rivers.”
670 sq. ft. conservation landscape on a steep slope. Plants growing well, but it will fill out by Spring. Had a dozen volunteers at various times. Done with $750 of grant and match funding.
A blog post about recently published research showing how climate change is already affecting the Chesapeake Bay.