
HistoricLondonTownandGardens added a new Job

Posted June 28, 2024 | Topic:

Director of Public Programs – Historic London Town and Gardens

Director of Public Programs Position Description  Chief Objectives of the Position Oversees the entire public programs department; is a member of London Town’s senior staff; coordinates, develops, implements, and evaluates London Town’s public programs; with budget management duties. 2020 – 2025 Priorities Oversee the creation, execution, and evaluation of any new interpretive plan and associated…

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HistoricLondonTownandGardens added a new Job

Posted August 31, 2023

Public Programs History Specialist – Historic London Town and Gardens

Public Programs History Specialist Job Description The Public Programs History Specialist spearheads the research, implementation, and evaluation of history programs for children, adults, and families. Additionally, they implement horticultural and ecology programming for all age groups and assist with general visitor operations of the site. Responsibilities: • Develop, lead, and evaluate youth, family, and adult…

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HistoricLondonTownandGardens added a new Job

Posted August 14, 2023

Museum Educator, Historic London Town and Gardens

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HistoricLondonTownandGardens added a new Job

Posted October 11, 2022

Executive Director – London Town and Gardens

LOCATION:  London Town and Gardens, Edgewater, Maryland  APPLICATION TIMELINE:   Review of applications will begin on November 1, 2022, and continue until the position is filled. The anticipated start date is no later than January 17, 2023.    ABOUT THE HISTORIC LONDON TOWN AND GARDENS:  Historic London Town and Gardens (HLTG) is a twenty-three-acre park featuring…

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