In 2016, 2019, and 2022, leaders from Pennsylvania’s agricultural and environmental communities participated in a series of “Pennsylvania in the Balance” conferences. In the early years, participants generated creative new ideas to position agriculture in the state as a solution for clean water. Convened by the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences, PA in Balance…
To continue December’s roundtable conversation on behavior change, February’s roundtable brings together a group of scholarly researchers with experience in stakeholder engagement and capacity building. This month’s conversation explores how to incorporate a social science lens into environmental management work. Guest speakers will provide insights about their experiences, avenues for future improvement, and share some…
Coasts are dynamic areas of exchange between land and water. Nitrogen and phosphate from land, for example, are essential for the growth of seagrasses and their production of “blue carbon”. Nutrients in the Bay often are in excess, however; in addition to their well-documented sources, a previously unquantified one is the loading from land introduced…
Behavior change is a buzzy phrase these days – and with good reason. The importance of social science in the Bay restoration effort is becoming clear, as we realize that the on-the-ground actions of the 18 million residents of the watershed are the key to success. While we all share the same goal of a…