The Chesapeake Bay Trust and the District of Columbia Department of Energy and Environment are excited to announce the District of Columbia Donation and Reuse Award Program. The goal of this Request for Applications (RFA) is to increase diversion of reusable material, through programs, services, outreach, and education. The Donation and Reuse Program represents an increased investment…
The Chesapeake Bay Trust is excited to announce “Behavior Change in Stewardship Practices: A Virtual Forum on the State of the Science and Water Quality Implications”. The environmental community has been working to increase adoption of environmentally responsible practices for years. The Trust will hold the first Behavior Change forum to discuss best practices, synthesize…
The Veteran’s Engagement Mini Grant Program is designed to support veteran’s groups and organizations engaging veteran’s groups as they provide healing and therapeutic services, outdoor recreation, community engagement, and green jobs training. This program funds up to $5,000 for activities such as outdoor meditation, adaptive camping, therapeutic green spaces, or stipends for green jobs and…
The purpose of this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) is to solicit services to evaluate, and train regional networks and develop a community of practice to increase network sustainability in partnership with the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network (CBFN) as part of the Capacity Building Initiative. The work to be supported will advance outcomes from the Chesapeake…
The Chesapeake Bay Trust and Chesapeake Oyster Alliance (a program supported by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation) are excited to continue our partnership, for the Chesapeake Oyster Innovation Award Program for a second year. The purposes of the program are to 1) increase knowledge within priority audiences of the value of oysters, oyster fisheries, and aquaculture efforts, 2) advance…