Join HerChesapeake for our November meeting, where we will discuss diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) with professionals in the environmental sector. The panel will share stories about and experiences with working on DEI initiatives at their organizations. Panelists are: Erin O’Grady, Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay Tuana Phillips, Chesapeake Bay Program/Environmental Protection Agency Andrea van…
Join HerChesapeake on November 10 for a guided Marsh Mammal Hike at Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary. We will enjoy a fall day exploring signs of marsh mammal life. This easy hike is from 4:00-6:00 pm and meets at the visitor center. The trip is free with a recommended donation of $5. There are limited slots…
Our next happy hour will take place on October 21 at Rams Head Tavern in downtown Annapolis. October is a month where we focus on the spooky things that haunt our world, so what better time to tackle the Sunday scaries with a group of supportive, like-minded women? What are the Sunday scaries? They are…
UPDATE: We will now be meeting at Rams Head Tavern Our next happy hour will take place on October 21 at the basement bar of Rams Head Tavern in downtown Annapolis. October is a month where we focus on the spooky things that haunt our world, so what better time to tackle the Sunday scaries…
UPDATE: Unfortunately, due to the weather foretasted for Sunday, we are canceling this field trip. Thank you to everyone who signed up and we hope to see you at a future event! — Join HerChesapeake for a guided canoe trip at the Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary! We will enjoy a fall day on the water,…
Join us for our next meeting on Wednesday, August 21 at Republic in Takoma Park, Md. Our agenda will include a conversation about bodily autonomy, a set of stories about stepping outside of your comfort zone, and a Q&A with Hye Yeong Kwon, Executive Director of the Center for Watershed Protection. Please arrive between 6:30…
Join us for our first D.C. happy hour on July 18! We’ll be at Republic Restoratives—a small batch, women-owned distillery and craft cocktail bar in the Ivy City neighborhood. Independence Day may be behind us, but this month, we’re talking freedom: What does freedom mean to you? Is it different in different contexts? When do…
Join us for our next meeting on Tuesday, May 21 at Bubba Gump Shrimp in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. Our “Conversation with…” series will feature Black Girls Dive Foundation and our meeting will also include a discussion about communicating with confidence. Please arrive between 6:30 and 7 p.m. for snacks and small talk before the meeting…
Slurp back some oysters with HerChesapeake at The Urban Oyster in Baltimore, Md. Join us and support this Black woman-owned business, just a few days after it’s grand opening. We’ll be talking oysters, trash wheels, and whatever else comes to mind. Arrive when you can. Newcomers welcome! Let us know you’re coming by RSVPing to…
HerChesapeake Quarterly Meeting Join HerChesapeake at our first quarterly meeting of 2019 on Wednesday, March 13, at Union Jack’s in Annapolis. Our agenda includes a conversation with Sarah Lillie Anderson, Senior Manager for Tree Equity Programs at American Forests, and a discussion about intersectional feminism, seeking out diverse opinions, and advocating for inclusion at work….
Winter is the best time to see waterfowl at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, so join HerChesapeake on December 15 for a guided bird walk! Tundra swans, Canada and snow geese, shovelers, pin tails and many more call Blackwater home during the winter. See how many you can spot with us as you learn about these birds…
June 8, 2018, 8:30am – 10:00am Free Learn to identify birds by sight, sound. Bring binoculars, wear hiking shoes. Ages 12 & younger must attend with an adult. Contact: (410)887-1815 For disability-related accommodations, (410) 887-5370 or (410) 887-5319 (TTY), giving as much notice as possible.
Sharing on behalf of Rachel Felver Media Release – Pricklethorn Tour des Trees 2017 Tour des Trees Pricklethorn Flyer Hi, The 2017 STIHL Tour des Trees, a 7-day cycling adventure that is hosted in cities across the U.S. annually, is coming to National Harbor July 30-Aug 5. The tour raises money for education and research…
We are pleased to announce the release of the 2017 blue crab advisory report and ask for your help in amplifying the message. Below are links to the press release, blog and social media posts. Press release: Blog: Tweets: Experts advice cautious approach to #bluecrab management as states get ready to set harvest regulations. Blue…
Partners launch Nature’s Network to guide conservation from Maine to Virginia The North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC), including members from 13 states, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, nongovernmental organizations, and universities, has launched a science-based “road map” to help inform decisions and actions for conserving lands and waters throughout the Northeast. Nature’s Network…
Please share among your networks: Join the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay and our B4B Networking Partner, Chesapeake Bay Program, for the free lunch and learn webinar The Business of the Watershed at noon on June 28. Click here to register for the webinar Join the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay and our B4B Networking Partner, Chesapeake Bay Program, for the free lunch…
Resources Press release: Blog post: List post highlighting four new sites: ChesapeakeProgress indicator page: Images Public Access Flickr album: Fort Hunter Park, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania: Sleepy Hole Park, Suffolk, Virginia: Keyser, Mineral County, West Virginia: Suggested Social Media Facebook posts: In 2016, Chesapeake Bay Program partners opened…
Below is the draft media release for public access. Please return comments to Rachel Felver ( by COB Wednesday, May 24. Media Release_Public Access_05-19.17
We’re still waiting on some information for the SAV abundance release, but please send any comments to Rachel Felver ( by noon on Wednesday, April 26. Draft media release – SAV abundance
Please forward wherever appropriate The Maryland Natural Resources Police is recognized nationally as a leader in the field of conservation and boating law enforcement. To begin the application process, you MUST: be a United States citizen; be at least 20 1/2 years old; have a high school diploma or GED; have a valid driver’s license…
Christopher Newport University recently released their 2017 survey of Virginian’s environmental attitudes. In it, they found that: Over the last 20 years, Virginia voters have become increasingly optimistic about the quality of the Commonwealth’s natural environment, giving it an improved grade from “C” to “B.” Voters say the environment is important to them personally, and…
Attached is the oyster restoration press release. Please send any comments to Rachel Felver ( by noon on Wednesday, April 12. Media Release – Oyster Restoration
The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, a regional non-profit organization based in Annapolis, Maryland with offices in Virginia and Pennsylvania, seeks a qualified and highly motivated person for the Richmond, VA office to provide administrative support to the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC). About the Alliance: The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s (Alliance)…
What is World Water Day? World Water Day, on 22 March every year, is about taking action to tackle the water crisis. Today, there are over 663 million people living without a safe water supply close to home, spending countless hours queuing or trekking to distant sources, and coping with the health impacts of using…
The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay seeks a Communications Intern for its Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) Communications Office in Annapolis, Maryland. This is summer 2017 position. Deadline to apply is Friday, April 14, 2017. Project Description: The CBP Communications Office supports the partnership’s efforts to restore and protect the Chesapeake Bay by providing information to…
The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay seeks a Multimedia Intern for its Chesapeake Bay Program Communications Office in Annapolis, Maryland. This is summer 2017 position. Deadline to apply is Friday, March 31, 2017. Project Description CBP Communications uses photography, video and text to produce original stories related to restoration, protection and environmental appreciation across the 64,000…
Attached is the press release for the diversity indicator. Please send any comments to Rachel Felver ( by COB Wednesday, February 22. Media Release: Diversity
Study: long-term eelgrass loss due to joint effects of shade, heat Analysis puts resulting economic losses at $1-2 billion in Chesapeake Bay alone A new study led by researchers at William & Mary’s Virginia Institute of Marine Science links a long-term decline in Chesapeake Bay’s eelgrass beds to both deteriorating water quality and rising summertime…
Forwarded from the Choose Clean Water Coalition — The Choose Clean Water Coalition conducted polling last year on watershed residents’ attitudes toward clean water. We had some interesting results come from that polling and we are presenting them as webinars over the next few months. Each state will have its own webinar focused on findings…
Sharing on behalf of the Divrsity Workgroup Virginia colleagues: please share with your networks and add to your calendars — 2017 Environmental Justice Empowerment Forum When: Saturday, February 11, 2017, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Where: Moton Community Center, 2101 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23607 This forum will include an Environmental Justice/Historical bus tour of…
Attached for Communications Workgroup review is the draft media release for the 2015-2016 Bay Barometer. Please submit comments and questions no later than COB Friday, January 27. Draft Media Release: 2015-2016 Bay Barometer
Please share: Turning the Tide on the Chesapeake Bay: USGS Paleoclimate Science Helps Set Realistic Pollution Standards January 17, 2017 By Diane Noserale Richard Batiuk got to know the Chesapeake Bay in the early 1970s. During visits with his friends and family, they would swim and boat, and fish would practically jump aboard. He was young…