ABOUT THE WEBINAR Extreme urban heat disproportionately affects poorer and communities of color in Richmond, VA, which is tied to long-standing histories of marginalization (such as the practice of redlining). This places these communities in a heightened state of precariousness in the face of worsening climate extremes, such as more frequent heat waves. Consequently, cities…
The West Mesa River Community Heat Action Project, a recent initiative of the Rio Reimagined partnership, focuses on addressing heat mitigation along the eastern reach of the Salt-Gila River corridor through Metropolitan Phoenix. The two-year project (2020-2022) engaged over 350 residents, 8 faith-based organizations, 15 social service organizations, and 34 local businesses, with more than…
Registration is now open for the Western Region Maryland Arborist and Tree Care Seminar on May 19th 8 am – 4 pm in Boonsboro, MD at the Washington County Ag Extension Center.  Topics include Update on Tree Pests and Diseases, MD Big Tree program, Grant Funding Opportunities for Tree Plantings and Tree Stewards Programs…
Tiffany Mrotek, Director of Career Pathways at American Forests, will present on the workforce challenges the tree care industry is facing and how we can fill the gap with a skilled diverse workforce through pre-apprenticeship training. This approach has the dual benefit of meeting workforce needs while also providing people underrepresented in the industry opportunities…
Dr. Michelle Kondo, USDA Forest Service will present research on the public health implications of Philadelphia’s 30% tree canopy goal, along with research around the public health value-added of urban greening efforts that are community engaged. Erica Smith Fichman will outline the extensive public engagement effort that informed the Philly Tree Plan, Philadelphia’s 10-year strategic…