
Welcome to the Chesapeake Network, hosted by the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay! The Chesapeake Network is a one-stop-shop online resource for shared information within the Chesapeake Bay watershed community.

Let’s learn about some of the features available to you.

Latest Activity

On the home page, you can view the latest events, announcements, or job opportunities posted by your fellow members of the Chesapeake Network.

Submit a Post

Want to submit your own event, announcement, or job? Click “Submit a Post” and enter the relevant information to share it with the community.


A board to view various job opportunities available throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed.


A great way to view upcoming events is with the Events Calendar.


Make sure to edit your Profile to add your profile picture, your preferred areas of interest, and more!

Manage your Subscription

You can manage your subscription to receive the Daily Digest for daily email updates or the Weekly Digest for weekly email updates. This includes new public posts to the Network, as well as posts to any Private Groups to which you are subscribed. And don’t forget to follow the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay on your favorite social media platforms!

Get Started

Now you’re ready to begin browsing. If you’d like to come back to this guide at any time, you can do so by visiting your account settings page and clicking on the question mark icon.

You can choose to filter these posts by type or location.

You’ll find the link to submit a post in the menu.

Select the type of post you’d like to create and fill out the requested information.

You can sort jobs by position type, location, and field.

You can sort events by type, location, and area of interest.


Edit your profile so members know who you are and your areas of interest.

Manage your subscription to choose how often you get email updates.


If you ever need to revisit this walkthrough, navigate to the question mark icon in your account settings.