Chesapeake StREAM (Student Recruitment, Early Advisement, and Mentoring) is the CRC-coordinated program initiated in 2018 with the intent to enhance and diversify the workforce for environmental restoration by finding, inspiring, and mentoring talented college students – primarily from under-represented communities – toward leadership positions in environmental protection and restoration. The program strives to engage the student through extended involvement in interesting projects with multiple mentors — from both their home institution and one or more CRC member institutions or other C-StREAM partnering organizations and institutions — in a program of longer-term advisement and assistance.
Summer internships with C-StREAM are awarded each year on the basis of applications that are solicited annually between early December and March 1 of each academic year. Internships are typically available at the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Program offices in Annapolis, MD, and Oxford, MD, at the EPA Chesapeake Bay Program Office in Annapolis, MD, and within selected on-going summer internship programs at our seven CRC member institutions. The CRC and its partners intend to work closely with each selected internship recipient and her/his mentors — at both the home and host institution — to provide continued mentoring not only for an initial internship experience, but also during the following academic year and subsequent summers.