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Topic: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice

Tenure Track Faculty Positions in Estuarine and Marine Science – The Horn Point Laboratory (HPL) of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES)

  Job Description The Horn Point Laboratory (HPL) of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) invites applications from individuals who demonstrate excellence in innovative research, broadening participation, and translational science to solve environmental problems.   Candidates in any research specialty that complements and enhances our core competencies and mission in areas of…

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Internship alert! C-StREAM Positions 2024 V3CRC’s C-StREAM program has opened applications for summer 2024. C-StREAM is focused on recruiting, advising, and mentoring college students from populations who have been historically excluded from the environmental field and are underrepresented in environmental research and management professions. These eight management-based experiences will provide C-StREAM Fellows with a unique…

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Call for Abstracts: Chesapeake Community Research Symposium 2024

The Chesapeake Community Modeling Program is now accepting presentation and poster abstracts for the 2024 Chesapeake Community Research Symposium! Please consider submitting an abstract for one or more of the proposed special sessions listed below and on the symposium website. The deadline for submitting abstracts is February 1, 2024. The Symposium will take place June 10-12, 2024 at the…

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Community & Youth Engagement Coordinator – City Planner II

The Baltimore City Office of Sustainability is recruiting for a Community & Youth Engagement Planner to coordinate programs focused on youth, assist in implementation of the City’s Climate Action Plan and Sustainability Plan, and support the Office’s engagement efforts. This role will also coordinate and collaborate with agencies and organizations advancing projects and programs that…

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Amy Gilder-Busatti added a new Event

Posted January 11, 2024 | Topic: , ,

Wednesday, February 21, 2024: Baltimore Commission on Sustainability Monthly Meetings (Baltimore City, MD)

Join the Baltimore Commission on Sustainability each month to learn about initiatives, projects and programs intended to make the city more sustainable, more equitable and more climate resilient. Each month we will explore strategies and action items outlined in the 2019 Baltimore Sustainability Plan, highlighting local partners supporting these efforts.

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Amy Gilder-Busatti added a new Event

Posted January 11, 2024 | Topic: , ,

Wednesday, 01/17/2024: Baltimore Commission on Sustainability Monthly Meetings (Baltimore City, MD)

Join the Baltimore Commission on Sustainability each month to learn about initiatives, projects and programs intended to make the city more sustainable, more equitable and more climate resilient. Each month we will explore strategies and action items outlined in the 2019 Baltimore Sustainability Plan, highlighting local partners supporting these efforts.

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Senior Program Officer – Capacity Building

The Chesapeake Bay Trust (the Trust) seeks a new Senior Program Officer to lead the Trust’s capacity building work, one of the Trust’s four core areas of focus.  The Trust’s capacity building efforts include work in three main areas: 1) improving the internal organizational capacity of our nonprofit and local government grantees so they can…

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Program Officer – Urban and Community Forestry – Chesapeake Bay Trust

Program Officer – Urban and Community Forestry Programs – Outreach & Education · Annapolis, Maryland (Hybrid) The Chesapeake Bay Trust seeks a Program Officer for Urban and Community Forestry, a newly created position, to help shape and lead a new Urban and Community Forestry Program to establish the Mid-Atlantic Environmental Justice Fund (the Fund).  This new program…

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Program Manager – Environmental Justice – Chesapeake Bay Trust

The Chesapeake Bay Trust (the Trust) seeks our first ever Environmental Justice Program Manager to lead one relatively new (2022) Trust program, shape then lead another brand-new initiative starting this year, and pursue other opportunities in the environmental justice space.  The realm of environmental justice (EJ) includes many topic areas:  The Trust’s two existing EJ…

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One Week Left to Submit a Proposal to Present at the 2024 Choose Clean Water Conference

The Choose Clean Water Coalition is accepting proposals to lead field trips and present sessions and workshops at its annual conference, gathering May 20-22, 2024 in Ellicott City, Maryland. Any person or organization is invited to lead presentations or field trips that energize participants through thoughtful engagement, share new and innovative learnings, and stir enthusiasm…

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